Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Tortoise soup test 3

Hello there,

Here is a test I have been working on a test for the animation.
I used 27 frames and painted them on photoshop. I feel bad after it but when I was drawing the frames it was getting late and it doesn't look as good as i wanted.

First frame I did. Now the test.

Thank your reading :)

Monday, 5 March 2012

Red or dead - Soldier

Hello there,

For our story we need some soldier designs but they look like frogs. I looked into a lot of types of frogs here are some drawings i did.

After I picked to use the Red- Eyed Tree frog, as I thought it would go with the story.

( Will say more about the story after the pitch :P )

Red- Eyed Tree frog. just photos I googled.

Couple quick armour designs. picked armour was based on roman armour.

Finish design I will add more if needed. I was thinking of in the animation for the soldiers to use there tongue as a weapon. 

Hope you like it, Thank you for reading :)