Friday, 26 November 2010

3D Munkey walk cycle

Hello there,

This project we  had to make a walk cycle by using a monkey rig called Munkey. After trying out the walk on easy model of Burt finding out what I had to do. Munkey model is harder to work with as he didn't any knees.

Here is the rig Munkey before I Animated it the way I wanted too.

Here is my videos.

Munkey with the Help lines.

From the Front.

From the side.

From the back.

When I make video I made it a long walk but for some reason my clip was only a sec I don't know what happened.

I like this rig so much I made some pictures of Munkey laughing sitting on a box. 

By using this box I made Munkey jump from the box its not great as it wasn't a project and I have not done a jump in 3D.

Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely!

    I'm preparing myself for my first walking cycle, gathering infos, as i'm learning mostly by myself.
