Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Red or dead project

Hello there,

This project was giving by Red or Dead the sell clothes to even bikes... They want us to make a little film for them using they bike.

The story they want us to use is the enchanted horse from the Arabian nights. We have to work in a group on 6 people 3 pre people and 3 post but the problem is at the moment is, that we only have 3 people in our group 2 pre and 1 post... we have to see what happens in the end.

I have started what design can the enchanted horse look like only done a couple so far though. First I did just drawings of horses and then I looked into horse/bike designs.

The designs I made I still made it look like a bike as if is meant to be selling a bike.

Horse tests.

This one I made to look like one of the bikes seats.

The real bike seat.

This design I made to look more like a robot to go with the story.
even though the real story one looked like a horse.

Thank you for reading. :)

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