Wednesday, 29 February 2012

yes, yes, no tortoise soup

Hello there,

Sorry it has been a while and laptop screen came off :S and trying to the internet to work on my other computer was hell.

I have been looking at the colour that is going to be in the animation... So I looked at the drawings and art that has been used for this work and put it together for a table for uses.

Then I tried a drawing of my own in the colours I have looked at.

I did this one a bit sketchy but with the colours.

I did a couple of designs to show size and scale but I will want to work out the real size too.

I tried doing a paper and paint looks. this is a frame from my test animation.

also used the colours I was looking at.

A test animation I did before Christmas to test walking.

and also a frame from the test.

Title page.

Thank you for reading... :)

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